Thursday, June 2, 2011

What is it? It is a butter press mold.

            Below, is some butter presses that I found on line for sale. They are very similar to the one I bought at a garage sale some weeks ago for a $1.00. The ones below sale for $10.00 and up on ebay and Amazon, but, this is the first time I had ever seen one let alone known what it was. They come in glass, wood, metal and clay. Great for decorating in a kitchen vignette.  Do you have one? Let me know and send me some pictures of them.          

             I just love the carved wood ones best, can you imagine buying your butter this way from the store. In the 30s and before butter was sold like this and the  fancier the molded butter, the more expensive it was. Now we just buy it plain and in cubes of four in a pack. 

                        I love this rooster butter press